Can you drink matcha while pregnant?





First, congratulations! Being pregnant is a whole new experience. Probably you are now in the early stages, discovering what things are good and beneficial for you and your baby, and what foods to avoid for some time. And as a matcha lover, you are probably wondering… Can I drink matcha while pregnant?


The easy straightforward answer is yes, you can drink matcha while pregnant. However, we want to provide you with all the facts as you may wonder which effects this amazing but also stimulating beverage has on your body and your baby.


Daily intake

The intake of caffeine should be reduced while pregnant. Experts recommend your caffeine dose should be no more than 200 mg of caffeine daily. This is approximately 2 cups (40-70 mg each) of matcha a day.


Why is there a maximum daily intake?

Too much of anything can be dangerous, and more to a delicate body such as a pregnant one. In this state, the body needs iron and folic acid more than in regular demand. Folic acid helps reduce the risk of problems for the baby, regarding birth defects and neural dive defects (NTDs). On the other hand, iron transports the oxygen that the baby is going to be using while developing. A lack of iron could cause anemia or breathing problems among others.

Matcha tea is a little bit picky with these two vitamins: its absorption is restricted if you drink too much. A 2 cup intake won’t affect your body, but the excess of it and its excess of caffeine could compromise both you and the baby.



In the case of breastfeeding, there is no correlation between green tea consumption and effects derived, as not even 1% of it would end up in breastmilk. Nevertheless, make sure you are consuming the best quality matcha.



Even though we may have answered some of your questions, no one will know better than a medical professional. It is always important to consult one before making any major decisions or in case you have doubts. And remember, that even if you can have matcha while pregnant, just reducing the intake of any stimulating drinks or foods during the first trimester will do no wrong to your and your baby’s health.

Disclaimer: we are no medical experts, so we cannot be held reliable for any problems, and expert advice should be sought at any time.

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